What We Do

Famspring works with children in their home and community, because we believe that meaningful learning happens in their natural environments – e.g practicing play skills with siblings, understanding kitchen safety and riding the bus.
We use principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to teach new skills, reduce behaviors that impede learning and collaborate with parents to achieve measurable outcomes. We focus on skills that enable the learners to have healthy relationships and help them become independent adults, specifically communication, self-advocacy, school-readiness, social skills, adaptive, daily living & self-care skills, functional academic skills and community navigation.
Assessments and observations will be conducted in the real world, and treatment goals will be created based on these and the needs of the child and family. Above all, we approach treatment keeping the child’s autonomy as the highest priority.


We Serve Clients in King County

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    We do not have an office, as we serve our clients in their home and in the community. Please expect to receive a response within 2-3 business days to schedule a virtual or in-person meeting.